Over the years, healthy connection levels between parents and children have decreased, leading to more challenging behaviors from children. Today’s modern lifestyle has interfered with the opportunity for the parent-child bond to grow. This vital aspect of a child’s life is essential for their emotional cup to be full, giving them healthy self-worth and self-esteem. […]
As hectic as life is most days, parents are often more concerned with getting everything done and may not strategically plan out their day so that it is predictable for their children. Knowing what activities to expect each day and knowing how parents will respond in the moment is critical in helping children feel safe. […]
Most often, when we think of implementing structure into our children’s lives, it is because we have a newborn that needs a feeding schedule, a toddler that needs a nap schedule, or a child that needs an activity schedule. When children become teens, they are often left to implement their own schedules. And yes, they […]
As we continue to feel the impacts of the ever-present pandemic that has rocked our world, we are searching for ways to keep ourselves mentally and emotionally in check. For teens, this has been an even more difficult feat. Adolescence is already fraught with stress and moodiness but adding in the social isolation and fear […]
With our country at somewhat of a standstill due to the current pandemic, it’s easy to get into a routine that is more laid back. Anything from going to bed late to increased screen time, habits may start leaning on the unhealthy side. And one of the major behaviors that appear when we are in […]
In recent years, parenting has evolved and has become hyper-focused on the child. And while care, attention, and love are necessary in forming healthy relationships and helping children reach developmental milestones, the downside of an over-protective approach can also hinder them. While this parenting style comes from a place of love, in order to allow […]
As we know, children can lose control of their emotions for various reasons, and the behaviors we witness are generally unplanned. And since anxiety can often look like defiance, adults often respond in counterproductive ways. When children are stressed, the amygdala, located in the downstairs brain, is triggered, and the “fight or flight” response takes […]
Closures of schools and businesses have led to major disruptions in the daily routines of families. Children are trying to adjust to doing school at home and parents are trying to balance their work from home life with their role as teachers to their children. To cope, it’s important for families to implement daily routines […]
Let’s face it, conflict is hard and is bound to happen. Whether it’s on the playground or right in our own homes, children will clash. And while it can be challenging situations, it is a normal event that occurs between children and a learning opportunity for them. This is why conflict resolution is an essential […]
We’ve all set goals throughout our lives. Some were easily achieved, while others we just gave up on. This is because most plans are either set within our comfort zone or in a discomfort zone. While our initial motivation for change generally puts us on a path to setting lofty goals, it can lead us […]