5 Presidents Who Studied Martial Arts The term “Martial Arts” is a relatively broad expression that encompasses a variety of different disciplines. Typically, when we hear the words martial arts, the first ideas that come to mind are one or more of the techniques that have developed in Asian countries. However, the martial arts […]
25 Tips to Help Foster Holiday Gratitude The holiday season can be a frenzied time of shopping, presents, and sugary foods. It is important that we help our kids navigate the whirlwind of temptation and indulgence by helping them to learn about gratitude, and why we actually celebrate holidays. A strong sense of gratitude has […]
As Instructors, in order to be effective communicators with young children, teens, and adults, it’s important that we understand what’s going on in their minds and bodies as they grow up. Fortunately, much research has been done in this area which provides us with a roadmap which details the typical behaviors/skills people have at various […]
There are numerous benefits of martial arts for kids, including improved physical health and a boost in self-confidence. Martial arts can also teach children self-defense skills that can help them ward off bullies and protect themselves from violent attacks. More importantly than fighting off others, however, martial arts teaches kids how to become masters of […]
As a soccer dad, one of the most important things I learned was to manage my expectations of how my daughter was doing on the field and to avoid comparing her progress to that of her teammates. To be honest it was extremely challenging as we all want our kids to do well. The purpose […]
Goal setting is one of the most highly linked characteristics to the success that individuals have. Top athletes and successful people all use goal setting. And while it is a trait that is most often associated with adolescents and adults, younger children can also benefit greatly from beginning this life skill at an early age. […]
“CHILDREN DON’T QUIT TAEKWONDO, PARENTS DO” “Children don’t quit Taekwondo, Parents do.” If you want your child to benefit or even receive their black belt and more, than you as a parent need to have a black belt commitment too. Start with why you want your child to learn Taekwondo Parent – “I want them […]
The learning process is vital to the healthy development of a child’s brain and their experiences and interactions largely influence how this happens. This process doesn’t just take place in the classroom but in all areas of the child’s life. Because of this, learning is better approached when it is an active process that triggers […]
Guest post by martial artist, childhood development specialist, and Skillz creator, Melody Johnson Adaptability Adaptability is about how you respond to your child, especially when things do not go as planned. Your child will have a variety of great days, bad days, and everything in between. Here are a few ways you can apply adaptability […]
Recently I have had a few conversations with parents about what we are teaching students in class, so I thought it might be a good opportunity to expand the discussion to include everyone. Watching class from the outside, it sometimes looks like lots of fun for the children, but we are actually developing all sorts […]
Is It Rude, Is It Mean, Is It Bullying? Some people say kids will be kids. And yes, children and teens can be unkind to their peers and, feelings can get hurt. The problem is when these behaviors become common and target the same person repeatedly, it crosses the line and becomes bullying. And while […]
ENDORPHINS The Key to Effort and Focus in Children and Teens Endorphins are natural chemicals produced in the body to reduce pain and boost happiness. They are most often associated with exercise since the release of these “feel-good” chemicals cause a state of euphoria and is usually known as a “runner’s high.” However, most any […]
When people generally think of “play” they think of fun and games…something simply for amusement and nothing more. However, there is a bigger, and more important, piece that is often overlooked…learning. As Kay Redfield Jamison said, “Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity.” The same […]
Before we begin, I want you to remember a time one of the instructors walked a crying student off the mat. Remember the ice pack they placed on the students knee and had them count to 10? Do you remember how the student returned to class with a smile on their face?! How about this! […]
Have you ever wondered why children and teens seem to be so addicted to their smartphones and other devices? Parents are frustrated with their children’s lack of attention and motivation but what do their devices have to do with this? The answer is found in science! Often referred to as the “motivator molecule,” dopamine is […]
If you are looking for a way to improve your health or get in better shape, you may not need to hit the gym. Instead, you should head to our martial arts school. Men’s martial arts could be the fitness solution that you have been searching for. Discover the benefits of martial arts for men’s […]
Resilient Martial Arts of Midlothian, Virginia, is proud to announce that we added Spectrum Skillz to our class offerings! This program was designed to target children ages 7 and up who are on the autism spectrum. The program introduces specialized skill-based training for children who have limited physical, intellectual, social, and emotional abilities. With that […]
As seasoned Martial Arts Instructors, we have witnessed just about every sort of behavior and outburst from working with hundreds of kids over the years. We have seen it all from playful name-calling to angry tantrums. Some things are hard to not take personally, but our experience allows us to put things into perspective and […]
Back to School Tips for Parents Summertime is coming to an end, and with that comes back to school anxiety and jitters that are common amongst children. Your child may experience common physical effects of anxiety associated with back to school time including symptoms from stomachaches to sleeping problems. They will also experience emotional stress […]
Resilient Martial Arts of Midlothian, Virginia, is proud to announce that we added Spectrum Skillz to our class offerings! This program was designed to target children ages 7 and up who are on the autism spectrum. The program introduces specialized skill-based training for children who have limited physical, intellectual, social, and emotional abilities. With that […]
Resilient Martial Arts of Midlothian, Virginia, is proud to announce that we have added Spectrum Skillz to our class offerings! This program was designed to target children ages 7 and up who are on the autism spectrum. The program introduces specialized skill-based training for children who have limited physical, intellectual, social, and emotional abilities. With […]
Realistic Behavioral Expectations Children between the ages of 3 and 4 are growing at a rapid rate in all areas of development, are discovering new things daily, while also learning how to cope with new challenges. Additionally, they are in pursuit of autonomy, which can lead to behavioral issues that the adults in their lives […]
Emotional Development for Children on the Spectrum Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is most characterized by the emotional and social difficulties that people living with this disorder possess. And while these two areas have much cross-over in relation to the development of an individual, it is important to understand the emotional challenges as a separate entity. […]
Shark Bait or how to avoid letting setbacks become barriers to your success. During a research experiment, a marine biologist placed a shark into a large holding tank and then released several small bait fish into the tank. As you would expect, the shark quickly swam around the tank, attacked and ate the smaller fish. […]
Spectrum Skillz – Curriculum designed to address the specific needs of differently- abled children. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a brain-based syndrome that is characterized by impaired communication and social interactions. However, ASD can also impact a child’s development in other areas. Since ASD affects communication, cognitive development is affected, and difficulty with learning can […]
As defined by the American Psychiatric Association, “Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition that involves persistent challenges in social interaction, speech and nonverbal communication, and restricted/repetitive behaviors.” And while this is at the core of ASD, what tends to get overlooked are the significant difficulties that some with ASD face in relation […]
Resilient Martial Arts in Midlothian, Virginia, is proud to announce that we have added Spectrum Skillz to our class offerings! This program was designed to target children ages 7 and up who are on the autism spectrum. The program introduces specialized skill-based training for children who have limited physical, intellectual, social, and emotional abilities. With […]
Resilient Martial Arts in Midlothian, Virginia, is proud to announce that we have added Spectrum Skillz to our class offerings! This program was designed to target children ages 7 and up who are on the autism spectrum. The program introduces specialized skill-based training for children who have limited physical, intellectual, social, and emotional abilities. With […]
Resilient Martial Arts in Midlothian, Virginia is proud to announce that we added Spectrum Skillz to our class offerings! This program was designed to target children ages 7 and up who are on the autism spectrum. The program introduces specialized skill-based training for children who have limited physical, intellectual, social, and emotional abilities. With that […]
Resilient Martial Arts is proud to announce that we added a new program to our class offerings! Spectrum Skillz was designed to target children ages 7 and up who are on the autism spectrum. The program introduces specialized skill-based training for children who have limited physical, intellectual, social, and emotional abilities. With that said, more […]
It is common knowledge that the more time and effort you can put into developing a skill the faster and farther you can go on the path to becoming great! But after a long day at school or at the Kwoon it may be hard to find the motivation to practice. Below are 3 easy […]
We all know that practice makes perfect, right? But sometimes helping your child to practice at home can be a challenge. It can even be frustrating trying to get them to practice their martial arts moves if you aren’t aware of their specific needs and abilities, and it goes beyond just the physical moves. For […]
Everyone likes PIES! This is pretty much a true statement in my opinion! And at Gentle East Martial Arts we take our PIES to a new level! What do we mean when we say “PIES”? Science reveals the every individual has capabilities in these areas: P – Physically I – Intellectually E – Emotionally S […]
Science has proven again and again how digital screens, the specific types of light they emit, and the content our kids consume on them, can be highly addictive, and have negative impacts on behavior, learning, mental health, and sleep. A big part of this is the way they stimulate the brain’s production of the happy […]
The Benefits of Game-Based Learning for 3-4-year-olds: Play is often overlooked as a learning tool for children. Dictionary.com defines play as “engaging in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.” It is seen as a type of “free time” when nothing else important is happening. However, this couldn’t be further […]
Oxytocin has been dubbed the “love chemical.” It is a hormone that is released when we feel love and trust in relationships. For most people, they know oxytocin is a significant part of the parent-child bonding process. However, it is also very important in overall human relationships and is considered our “social glue.” The release […]
Prompting How can you set your child up for daily success? One of the most effective ways to do this is to focus on prompting instead of punishment. Here’s what you need about prompting your child toward good behavior and decisions: 1. Friendly Competition One of the ways to prompt your child toward good behavior […]
Consistency: Your child needs to know that no matter what happens, you are always going to be consistent in your reaction as a parent. Maintaining consistency means that you are going to be patient, connected, adaptable, and edutaining with your child all the time so your child knows what to expect from you and you […]
Patience Take a few extra seconds when responding to poor behavior. This demonstrates compassion, empathy, and self-control on your part. Sometimes all you need to do is think about responding in the most patient manner to help re-direct your child. Those few seconds can make a big difference. Here are some tips that I used […]
Family Sports Activities If you are a parent these days with kids of different ages, then you know how challenging it can be to find things to do as a family. What excites your 10-year-old daughter is likely to bore your 7-year-old son and vice versa. There’s one exception that we know of – and […]
Nighttime Rituals can help you to build momentum, stay focused, motivated, and productive in the New Year. If you follow these, you will sleep well, wake up refreshed and be ready to conquer the day. Ritual 1: Read a Chapter, article, or blog Regardless of the content you absorb during the day, make it a […]
Taekwondo is one of the greatest gifts that you can give to your children. It’s not just about being physically fit, or about learning how to compete, but it helps to instill qualities that will be with them for their entire lives. You might think that very young children should not be exposed to martial […]
Hey Parents, Master Ribeiro here to share some great tips on PROMPTING. Hopefully, from this post, you will learn how “Setting your child up for daily successes is easier than trying to punish poor behavior.” Sometimes children make poor behavior choices simply because they are not paying attention. Other times they make poor behavior choices […]
Hey Parents, Master Ribeiro here to share some great tips on developing PATIENCE. Having raised two daughters, I know that sometimes it’s not easy to be patient, but what I have found is that “A few seconds can make a BIG difference…” Sometimes as parents we respond with too much anger, and that can be […]
Hey Parents, Master Ribeiro here and I wanted to share some tips on EDUTAINMENT. One of the greatest challenges parents face is to, “Be the parent your child needs you to be.” Children hardly ever embrace the concept of learning. As a parent, this can be very frustrating because our primary role is to teach […]
Hey Parents, Master Ribeiro here and I wanted to share some great tips on ATTUNEMENT. Attunement means to “Be so aware of your child’s strengths and weaknesses so that you can anticipate their behavior choices before they happen…” When you are ‘tuned-in’ with your child, you can more easily understand how to help your child […]
With the start of the school year drawing nearer here are some ways you can prepare your child to deal with bullies. Tips on Bullying One of the biggest concerns of parents during the back-to-school season is bullying. Some 160,000 kids skip school every day because they fear being attacked or ridiculed by bullies. The […]
Parent Tips for nurturing your child: Sometimes as a parent it’s hard to remember that the mistakes our children make are actually opportunities to educate and help them. While we tend to get frustrated at those times, it is important to remember the benefits of being a nurturing parent which include enhanced brain development, better […]
Back to School Tips for Parents It’s hard to believe but in a few weeks summer break is coming to an end, and with that comes the back to school anxiety and jitters that are common amongst children. Your child may experience common physical effects of anxiety associated with back to school time like stomachaches […]
Just like your child, you will have a variety of great days, bad days, and everything in between. With that said, if you are consistent in your parenting, regardless of your mood, then you will foster trust from your child. Being a parent that focuses on CONSISTENCY is the key component to helping your child […]
CONNECTION. The times when children are the most responsive and happy are when they are most connected with their parents… Everything from getting down on their eye level, physical touch, and committed attention makes a big difference… When it comes to fostering self-discipline and self-esteem, children need CONNECTION more than anything else! So, what can […]
Children at this age are transitioning from a “child” to a “young adult”. They have refined their fine motor skills, agility, coordination, techniques, and are more confident in their capabilities. At the same time, growth spurts and hormonal changes are starting to have an impact on them and affect their behavior. Sometimes as parents and […]
Understanding 7, 8 and 9-year-old children: Children at this age are transitioning from a “little kid” to an adolescent. They have started 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade, are further developing their fine motor skills, coordination and gaining confidence in themselves. The challenge for adults is that because they are developing quickly, we often assume they […]
Understanding 5 and 6-year-old children: This is an exciting but challenging age for children as they are often moving from an unstructured pre-school environment to a structured kindergarten or 1st-grade program. It is also when they start to feel like a “big kid”. Physically: They have developed basic coordination of the arms, legs, and core […]